User Access FAQs
The below documentation provides information on how to access Symmetry’s Client Support Center and resources.
Once you’ve established your new password, you can log into Symmetry’s Client Support Center using your email and new password.
If you are still having trouble, you can reset your password directly when you navigate to Click on the "reset your password" link on the login screen and we will send you an email from to reset your password.
If you are new to Symmetry's Client Support Center, you can request access here: Click on “sign up” and enter in your information. Your company’s administrator will need to approve your access request. You will receive an email once you’re approved and can log in at that time.
- Contact your company’s administrator who can grant your access.
- Request access directly by clicking "sign up" at the following URL:
- Once you request access, your company’s administrator will be notified and needs to approve your request. As soon as they approve, you will receive an email notification and can log into our Client Support Center.
Company Administrator FAQs
The below documentation provides information on how to add/remove users from your Symmetry account and update their access. To see a video tutorial of Symmetry's User Management Center that walks through these steps, reference the accompanying company administrator guide.
Administrators can manage contacts within Symmetry’s User Management Center, which is found in the Symmetry's Client Support Center account dropdown, as shown below.
Once in Symmetry’s User Management Center, click into the contact’s record, click the “Actions” button, and select “Edit User.” Update the “Role” field from “User” to “Administrator” and click “Update.”
Any user within your organization who interacts with Symmetry’s products would benefit from resources within Symmetry’s Client Support Center. Below are the reasons why you may want to add a contact:
- Accessing release notes and product documentation - once you are logged into Symmetry's Client Support Center, you will have access to release notes, relevant product documentation, and Symmetry’s Developer Hub.
- Accessing product downloads - if you license a product that requires a download file (for example, an on-premise version of the Symmetry Tax Engine or Symmetry Payroll Forms), users should be given access to the Product Download Center which is found within Symmetry’s Client Support Center.
- Receiving product communication - stay up to date with Symmetry’s latest product release notes and product communication. Users of Symmetry’s Client Support Center will receive email communications related to the product(s) which their company is entitled. Users can unsubscribe from these emails at any time.
- Accessing Tax List - all clients that license the Tax Notification Service will have access to the Tax Notification Service within Symmetry’s Client Support Center.
If you have been designated as your company’s administrator, you will be able to access the user management section within Symmetry’s Client Support Center.
To add a new contact/user, click on the “Create User” button in the User Management Center. Enter in your colleague’s contact information, set their initial password to be shared with the employee directly (this can be reset by the user at any time), set their user status to active, specify their role as a user or administrator, and grant access to Symmetry's Tax Notification Service if they need access to the Tax Listing product.
Once the user is saved, they will receive an email that notifies them they've been granted access Symmetry's Client Support Center with their credentials.
If you have been designated as your company's administrator, you will be able to access to the user management section within Symmetry’s Client Support Center.
To modify a contact, find the contact in your list of company’s users in User Management. Click on the contact’s email to open their profile, click the “Actions” dropdown and select “Edit User.”
Update the necessary changes to the user then click “Update.”
To change a user’s email address or change/reset their password, click the “Actions” dropdown then the relevant action.
A user may want to access Symmetry's Tax Notification List if they want to view the Tax Listing provided under the Tax Notification Service.
This feature is available if your company licenses the Tax Notification Service offering or are a Symmetry Tax Engine client.
To grant access, navigate to the user’s profile in User Management. Click the “Actions” dropdown and choose “Edit User” and update the "Tax List & Product Download Center" to "Yes" then click “Update.”
Once the user is granted access, they will see the “Tax Notification Service” tile on Symmetry's Client Support Center homepage.
As the company administrator, you are responsible for approving and stewarding your team’s access to Symmetry support documentation.
A user can self-provision access with your approval by navigating to Symmetry's Client Support Center homepage and clicking “Sign Up.” After the user submits their details, they will receive an email notifying them that their user account is pending approval by their company’s administrator with the subject line “Symmetry Registration: Admin Approval Required.”
Upon the user’s self-registration, you will receive an email with the subject line "A New User Is Waiting for your Approval" alerting you that a user at your company has requested access.
You will need to access the User Management from the account dropdown in Symmetry's Client Support Center. Once in Symmetry's User Management Center, navigate to the user’s profile, click the “Actions” dropdown and select “Edit User”. You can update their “User Status” to active. Upon approving access, the user will be able to access Symmetry's Client Support Center immediately and will receive an email of the approval.
If a user at your company is unable to access Symmetry's Client Support Center, navigate to their user account with Symmetry’s User Management Center by clicking on their email address in your list of users.
Verify the following fields are set on their account:
- Blocked: No
- Email verified: Yes
- User status: active
If the user is blocked, unblock their account by selecting “Unblock User” in the Actions dropdown.
If the user is inactive, activate their account by selecting “Edit User” in the Actions dropdown and update the “User status” field then click “Update.”
If the user’s email is not verified, make sure their email is correct. All users provisioned by company administrators receive an email that prompts them to verify their email. Connect with the user and have them verify their email. Alternatively, edit their profile and set the "Email Verified" to yes.
When you add users to Symmetry’s Client Support Center, they will automatically be added to all communications from Symmetry related to your entitled products (for example, if you are a Symmetry Tax Engine (STE) client you will receive product updates related to the STE). Company administrators no longer need to manually opt users into communications.
Users can opt out of communications at any time directly from their email.
All users should bookmark, your hub for all things related to Symmetry support. Once you’ve logged into our Client Support Center, you will be able to navigate to Symmetry's new User Management Hub, Tax Notification List (NetSuite) and Symmetry’s Download Platform (Nexus).
If your company has purchased an on-premise product, you should see the Download Platform tile when you log into the Symmetry Client Support Center. Please reach out to us if you do not see it and believe you should have access.
Symmetry's User Management Center Demo
The below demo walks through the following features of Symmetry’s User Management Center.
- 0:30 Transition to single sign-on
- 1:08 Accessing Symmetry's User Management Center
- 1:52 Create User
- 3:05 Update User
- 3:53 Deactivate User
- 4:24 Approving self provisioned users
- 5:17 Additional support
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