PRP and MWF Interruption Resolved - 4 May 2023

At 5:07pm MST on 4 May 2023, Payroll Point and Minimum Wage Finder started to experience a service interruption on the production tiers due to routine release activities. Clients may have experienced intermittent 500 errors.

Our team has restored service and we sincerely apologize if this incident caused any impact on your organization. We will continue to monitor the status to ensure clients can use Symmetry’s products without interruption. 


Incident Information

Impacted Products:
  • Symmetry Minimum Wage Finder API
  • Symmetry Minimum Wage Finder Portal
  • Symmetry Payroll Point API
  • Symmetry Payroll Point Portal

Status: Restored
Start Time:  4:55pm MST on 4 May 2023
End Time:  5:51pm MST on 4 May 2023

Incident History:

  • 6:06pm MST interruption start time updated from 5:07pm MST to 4:55pm. 
  • 5:45pm MST Incident notification created.
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